Mudhole Marsh Warpless

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Revision as of 04:49, 22 December 2022 by Ryan Ford (talk | contribs) (Optimal)
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Make sure you check out the any% page for many alternative strats, backups and great explanations for the movement before the warp would occur.


  • at 0:32 Jump earlier than you might deem necessary, if you roll too far before trying to climb on this vine there's a random chance you could clip through it.
  • at 0:50 Jump out of the roll right after passing the vine here. The section after this, you need to be kinda confident in rolling a bit long before jumping out of it, I believe in you.
  • at 1:02 you need to stall a little bit before rolling and jumping off the barrel so you don't take damage. Adjust the wait to what you're comfortable with.
  • at the end; Face left after landing beside the Kannon to despawn the barrel he shoots out. So you can get to the goal faster.

Sub Optimal

  • This is a very respectable way to beat the stage, not as stupid as the Optimal one.
  • at 0:08 Roll when you land and release Y before rolling through the second beetle. You'll need some courage to not jump out of the swamp too early.
  • at 0:17 some shit starts going down; Release the d-pad momentarily after bouncing on the flitter to land on the very edge of the lily pad. Don't buffer the roll over the gap or you'll die. The jump afterwards is really precise, be cautious of jumping too late or you'll die. Sometimes you might grab the crate, in which case you need to do a full jump to make it to the next platform.
  • Eagle pit is arguably the scariest part of this stage. With proper timing you can roll through the first 2 flitters without slowing down, as shown in the video.
  • at 0:29 Jump out of the roll earlier than you might deem necessary, or you might clip through the vine.
  • Do small bounces on all necky's except for the very last one.
  • Don't grab the cannonball
  • at 0:45 buffer the roll off the lily pad, allows you to roll further without getting stuck on the krockhead.
  • at 0:55 be careful to not roll and jump off the barrel too early, or you'll take damage. In which case you lose a bit of time having to grab and swap to Diddy in Rambi Rumble.
  • at the end despawn the barrel by doing a left right wiggle when bouncing off the flitter


Manhole strats (really hard)

(These are not Ryan Ford's notes. Just replacing the missing vid)

  • Same procedure as Sub Optimal before Halfway.
  • at 0:24 Under the World is a pretty risky trick, roll really close to the edge and DO NOT buffer the roll. Release Y so you don't grab the chest. Release Y over the barrel again and roll off the lilypad's edge.
  • at 0:34 do a crouch moonwalk to spawn the sonics later, allowing you to roll through them.
  • at 0:43 if you buffer the roll off the lilypad, you can roll further (you don't get caught on the krockhead).
  • at 0:49 moonwalk on the Krockhead, it once again allows you to roll through the sonics, the timing is pretty precise, just repress RIGHT a bit later than you might think.
  • at 0:53 you need to delay your roll off the barrel a bit, so you don't take damage.

Do a left right wiggle when you bounce off the flitter to despawn the Kannon's barrel