Forest Frenzy 101

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  • No SJR: 4/10
  • SJR: 6/10



  • This video has commentary explaining some things
  • The cue to release B for this superjump is when the DK barrel before the Kremling reaches the left edge of the screen.
  • You will need to fall into the bonus barrel, which is under the screen just near the sixth bird. If you can't see it the lip of the barrel on your TV, make sure you start counting the birds.
  • To reach the barrel above the screen at the end, you will need to bounce on the Kremling when he is at the highest point of his jump. If you don't reach it, double back and grab the barrel out of the ground next to the first Kremling and use it to break the wall. If you lose the barrel, there is no other way to reach the bonus game, so be very careful with it.



  • Super Jumproll
  • The visual cue for when to release B for this SJR is when the third bee of the group of seven at :29 reaches the left side of the screen. If you only hit 3 Kremlings, the visual cue is the fourth bee of this group instead.
  • because you wont do the sjrs the EXACT same way every time, practicing this is quite important. Dieing missing the bonus after getting the sjr is terrible
  • If you want to play it safe you can release B a little bit later and this will put you higher up giving you more birds to roll threw before landing into the bonus
  • In order to get into the final bonus without bouncing on the second Kremling, you have to briefly let go of the D-pad right before bouncing on the first Kremling.